The KC Academy is still in its relative infancy, but we have already achieved so much!
In 2022 Kadeena and the KC Academy hosted two talent recruitment days in Derby and London. We had a total of 27 attendees across the two recruitment days with 8 females and 19 males. As part of the day the riders took part in British Cycling approved power and endurance testing on Watt bikes and had a session riding the velodrome track, which for some was their first experience on a track.
The data collected was used alongside information provided by the athletes and scouting input from coaches at the testing days to identify the athletes that would most benefit from the support of the KC Academy. We then brought 3 new members on board to join the KC Academy and support their cycling journeys.

During the summer, the younger members of the KC Academy were given the opportunity to attend 3 events at the Commonwealth Games through Team England Futures, a programme developed and managed by Sports Aid.
The programme was designed to better prepare athletes to deliver medal-winning performances at futures Games. The athletes had the opportunity to see badminton, gymnastics and athletics. It was an amazing opportunity to see how major international events are run and the legacy and impact that these events can have.

The KC Academy team met at the Zwift London HQ. The Zwift team gave the KC Academy a tour of their offices, talked about their vision for the platform and how they could support the KC Academy, and hosted a ride for us in the Zwift studio.
The group learnt how to make the most of their free Zwift accounts and the equipment they have been provided by the KC Academy to ensure that the bi-weekly rides are engaging, fun and a good mechanism for building team cohesion.

This event aimed to bring together speakers from elite sport to grassroots community groups to elevate the conversation of diversity and inclusion in cycling and what the future of the sport could look like. There was a 5-person panel and around 100 guests at the event.
Kadeena and KC Academy member Rhianna formed part of the panel which focused on their different journeys and the work they are doing as part of the KC Academy. The rest of the KC Academy members were in attendance and were referenced in the talk. We also used our time at the event to be inspired, to engage with new people within in the sport and to learn from people further down the pathway than them.

The KC Academy now runs fortnightly community rides on Zwift where fellow cyclists can join for a one-hour social ride. The aim of these rides is to stay connected with the athletes that came to the testing days and the further cycling community to provide a regular contact point with the KC Academy members.
Are you a fellow athlete who is already into cycling or looking at getting into the sport and want to find out more please get in touch.